Ideal for people engaged in online transactions​

Lowest Price Guaranteed

Class 3 (2 Yrs) – 999 /- only
Class 3 (3 Yrs) – 1199 /- only
Class 3 Combo (2 yrs) – 2099 /- only
*Takes less than 2 hours

Definition of Digital Signature (DSC)

Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) is a physical signature in an electronic format. Digital Signatures are used in India for online transactions such as Income Tax E-Filing, Filing Annual Return, Company or LLP Incorporation, E-Tenders, many more. There are 3 types of Digital Signatures like Class-I and Class-III Digital Signatures/ DSC Registration Haldia.

Class-I Digital Signature is used for securing email communications.

Class-III Digital signature is utilized for company registrations, IT Return E-filing, Obtaining DIN, DPIN etc. Digital signature registration are used for E-tendering and participating in E-Auctions.

 Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) is done by Rainbow Consultancy from Haldia. 

DSc registration Haldia or all India.

Digital Signature Procedure

Fill up the Form

You are supposed to fill your details in our simple questionnaire and submit documents.

Submit Your Documents

We will create all your required documents and file them with authorized agency on your behalf.

DSC Token is Ready

Your Digital Signature will be sent in a USB and Token through courier at your address

Completed Successfully

If you need further assistance regarding any other services, we will be happy to help.

What's included in Our Digital Signature (DSC) Package

Application Processing

Same day Processing

Delivered You